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Everything you need to know about the common cold

We all know it and yet the symptoms feel slightly different for each of us. We're talking about the classic cold – also known as an influenzal infection.


Most adults have to deal with cold symptoms up to four times a year, including a scratchy throat, pain when swallowing, a runny nose and a general feeling of exhaustion. These are all effects of an upper respiratory tract infection, which is usually caused by cold viruses.

How long does a cold last?

The duration of an influenza infection varies greatly depending on the individual's general state of health and behavior during the course of the illness. However, it is assumed to last around seven days.

What does a classic cold look like?

The first signs of a cold are usually noticeable just one to three days after infection. At this stage, those affected often feel exhausted, have to sneeze repeatedly, and experience an unpleasant scratchy sensation in their throat.


In the following days, the scratchy throat often develops into a sore throat and the initially watery cold starts to become thicker. The blocked nose not only makes breathing difficult but can also cause an unpleasant pressure headache. Aching limbs also often occur during a cold. They are caused by messenger substances that the immune system releases to fight the pathogens.


A cough usually occurs towards the end of the influenzal infection. It is usually rather dry at the beginning and later develops into productive coughing with mucus sputum.


How to get rid of a cold?

Even if an influenzal infection is usually harmless, you want to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms soon. In order to give your body the opportunity to regenerate as quickly as possible, you should make sure to get enough rest.


In addition, drinking enough water or unsweetened teas helps to dilute the mucus in the airways, making it easier to cough up. Inhaling essential oils with enriched water can also alleviate cold symptoms. The warm vapour moistens the sinuses and bronchi, and allows for better absorption of the essential oils.


The Hamburg Solution contains four natural essential oils which, when combined with an anti-inflammatory antiseptic, effectively combat cold pathogens and strengthen the immune system.


How to prevent a cold?

Cold viruses can enter the body not only through inhalation, but also as a result of smear infection.


The latter is caused by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. For this reason, you should not only keep your distance from people with colds but also wash your hands regularly.


It is also advisable to strengthen your immune system with alternating showers and a healthy diet, especially during the winter months. In particular, increasing your intake of foods rich in vitamin C and taking zinc supplements can support the immune system's defense function.


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